When do courses start up?

We start courses at any time whenever there are enough participants at the same level who can attend courses at the same time.

How fast can I progress?

While lessons proceed according to an education plan, in each individual case a lot depends on the type of course, the students’ ability and their overall aims.

Can I get a student discount?

We give 10% discount if you have previously done a course at Babilon.

Are there lessons at weekends?

Yes, although one-to-one courses are more usual than group ones.

Is it possible to have courses/lessons off-site?

We can teach on-site at company clients. For individuals doing general language courses, we suggest one-to-one lessons, which can be held at an off-site location.

Can I get online tuition?

We can arrange one-to-one language lessons by Skype.

Quality assurance

Babilon Nyelvstúdió runs accredited courses for the following languages:

Angol C2 1 1 039 – KER C2-es szint/English language course
Német C2 1 1 037 – KER C2-es szint/German language course
Magyar mint idegen nyelv C2 1 1 098 – C2-es szint/Hungarian as a foreign language course

Any accredited courses in these languages are VAT-free.

Babilon Language School has acquired a license for adult education. The license number is: E-000462/2014.